Landjugend News

Rural Youth Europe Autumn Seminar

|   VerbandsNews

Dear  Friends,

This years   Autumn Seminar of Rural Youth Europe, hosted by the Young Farmers Clubs of  Ulster, will take placen in Bushmills, Northern Ireland from 25th October -  1st November with the theme "Democracy - Your Vote - Youth's Voice!". At this  moment we don't have any participants from Germany but we'd be happy to have one  with us!

You can find more  detailed information about the seminar from our website. If you are interested,  or know someone who might be, please fill in the registration form and send it  back as soon as possible.

Viele Grüsse aus  Helsinki,





Eija Kauniskangas

Secretary General

Rural Youth Europe


Asemapäällikönkatu 1

00520 Helsinki



tel +358 20 755  2631

fax +358  20755 2627

